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Pelvic Heart: Somatic Sexual Integration. Practitioner training 2022 module 1

  • Neede Gelderland Nederland (kaart)

Pelvic Heart: Somatic Sexual Integration

February 2022 - October 2022

A year long PHI Practitioner Training for professionals

Module 1



General information about PHI Practitioners training:

A year long program includes 4 of one-week residential modules

non-residential: two study weekends

online mentoring

coaching and community of support

video and audio library

listing as a practitioner on official PHI website


The new Pelvic Heart: Somatic Sexual Integration. Practitioners’ Training will begin 28 of February 2022.
Requirement: Applicants must complete at least one 5 day immersion retreat, to have personal experience with PHI work or to have a “green light” invitation from the teacher-facilitator (T. Rozenthal) to be considered for the practitioners training.

2022 year program PHI Practitioner Training includes:

-Modules 1-3 each are one-week experiential process education.

-Module 4 is offering mentorship and coaching for students who as a team will be assisting 5 days PHI group Immersion.

- monthly group coaching calls,

-Q and A calls and case conferences,

-downloads/recordings of all webinars and teleseminars,

-guest teachers,

-additional video, audio and print materials for download,

-reading list,

-listing on the practitioners website upon successful completion of the course.

Module 1 PHI Practitioner Training

28.02.22 - 6.03.22


study weekend. 02.04.22 -3.04.22

study weekend 21.05.22-22.05.22

Module 2 PHI Practitioner Training: 13.06-18.06 Location TBA

Module 3 PHI Practitioner Training: 28.08.22- 4.09.22 France

Module 4 PHI Practitioner Training: 24.10.22-30.10.22 Location TBA

learning to assist with Pelvic Heart Immersion Group

A Certificate of Completion will be given upon satisfactory completion of the Training, after the 4 training modules. Co-leading your own event is optional, if you wish a mentor support in facilitating PHI event.


The intention of the Pelvic Heart Integration (PHI) Practitioner Training is to support you in becoming the best practitioner of the healing arts that you can be through the mastery of this powerful System of Whole Person, Hands On healing developed by Dr. Jack Painter and taught by my teacher Deborah Taj Anapol.

After Jack Painter developed his world famous integrated system for general bodywork, called Postural Integration, he realized that there is so much sexual energy locked in the pelvis that it deserves more

focus to liberate this potent life force.

Unlike most transformational modalities which involve either bodywork or mental/emotional work, PHI approaches body, mind, and spirit in an integrated way.

It addresses the physical, sexual, and energetic obstacles to health and harmony along with the psychological and the spiritual.

While this approach demands a lot of the practitioner, it also delivers a lot to the client!

Training Modules

All four Training Modules should be attended in person.

All theory, presentations and some sessions will be recorded so that you can listen at your leisure or review them as often as you wish.

We will cover the following topics in the four Training Modules. Some topics will be taught teacher facilitator and some by guest teachers who are specialists in these areas.

Participants who have no prior exposure to some of these areas and desire a deeper course of instruction are encouraged to pursue additional coursework or mentorship in the area of the interest.


The cost for the entire program is including 4 weeks face to face trainings (3 as a participant and 1 as an assistant), two non-residential study weekends, all webinars, group mentoring, one individual mentoring session, audio and video downloads, instructions for all exercises and processes, reading list and film list.

NB: training does not include camping accommodation costs for module 3 in France and travelling costs.

The value:

Cost 3600,- euro if paid in full or wire transfer prior to the enrollment deadline of Februari 24.

Option for payment in 4-5 installments is possible:

3900,- euro with the first deposit of 1500,- euro according to personal agreements with administration

How to apply:

to receive an application, please send request via email: workwithtanyaroze@gmail.com

Refund Policy & disclaimers:

There will be no refunds given once the course has begun. If you are unable to complete the training, due to circumstances beyond your control, you may be able to arrange to continue at a later date.

Cancellations made in writing before the start of the course will be refunded the full amount less a 150,- euro processing fee.

If you register for the Yearlong Practitioner Training and after reviewing your application we find that this program is not appropriate for you, we will refund your entire payment.

if you are unable to complete the training, due to circumstances beyond your control, you may be able to arrange to continue at a later date. Cancellations made in writing before the start of Module 1 will be refunded the full amount less a 150,- euro processing fee.

28.02-6.03 Module 1 Program:

focuses on supporting a deeper understanding of the Breath Cycle and the way it relates to Reichian based character and bodytypes, gender roles, family influences, and developmental stages. More specifically it includes:

Overview: Reichian Theory and Inner Marriage

The four genders – human potential vs medical model of personality

Body types and personality types

Sexual issues related to types

Relationship issues related to types

Postural issues related to types

Breath issues related to types

Jack Painter’s Breath Cycle – Four parts repeating to peak (climax) and gradual return to resting state


Movement – undulation and subtleties of muscles involved in pelvic movement

Energetic flow and streaming

Images and intentions

The function and purpose of breath and movement

Harmonizing with a partner

Stages 5-9 (which are not addressed in the 5 day Immersion course)

Parental Triangle - Our Model for God and Goddess

need for support from both same sex and opposite sex

Holy Trinity and Holy Square

Sexual guilt and sexual shame

Identifying the program and creating the upgrade

Linking the program with armor and releasing of armor

Internalizing the support we need

Facilitating triangle work – timing, resistance, closure

Venue: all inclusive

The all-inclusive program of this fully accommodated, intensive and deeply transforming training

- early morning program: yoga, movement, bare feet walks

- all workshops

- accommodation based on two or three persons bedroom

-organic vegetarian catering

-outside activities

-Staying in the nature environment with lots of walking possibilities

-Sauna is available for a small fee.

- house surrounded by nature: during this week you will have the space to integrate

-there are evening programs: with music, massage, community rituals and more.

Questions? More information? How to apply for the training?

For additional information and for the application, please send request via email: workwithtanyaroze@gmail.com

Join us ! And learn how to share the gifts of this powerful work with people , - for their greater sense of Love, choice, pleasure, empowerment and fulfillment.

With love,

Tanya Rozenthal