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Tantric Soul Retrieval: Eros, Love & Belonging

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Tantric Soul Retrieval: Eros, Love & Belonging, France

Tantric shamanic week with Sadhu & Tanya

Return to living from the deliciousness of your wholeness!

Tantric Soul Retrieval invites you to reclaim and integrate once lost parts of yourself to increase your capacity to live in love!


This week will inspire and support you to trust the wisdom of your body, connect to your power, and deeply attune to what matters to you most.

You will be guided on a journey of embodiment and empowerment through the transformational flow of your aliveness, into the depths of your heart and eros, to profoundly nourish yourself and experience a rich sense of community.

Tantric Soul Retrieval is a quest to embody self love and freedom in your erotic expression!

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Do you long for a deep experience of togetherness?
Are you hungry for connection that nourishes you in all your relationships?
Do you long to feel resourced and equipped to meet the challenges you face whilst staying true to what is sacred in your life?

This week will invigorate you in liberating yourself from old stories of being ‘other’ and separate, to engage in life from a felt sense of your own completeness.

What will you experience during this week?
*Coming home to yourself and your gifts.
*Releasing self-limiting patterns.
*Embracing your humanness.
*Transforming your shadow.
*Recharging your sense of wholeness.
*Experiencing ecstatic states as the flow of life.
*Celebrating yourself as a sexual, spiritual being welcomed by life!

Tantric Soul Retrieval is a powerful and direct means to actualizing your sovereignty; your freedom to choose, and to owning your greatness.

Perhaps one of the oldest wounds of humanity is the separation between sex and spirit. Many of us have grown up feeling disconnected from particular parts of ourselves, be it our bodies, our divinity, our eroticism, our sense of belonging, nature, our ancestors, and our dreams.

During this week you will experience life-enhancing initiations and deeply nourishing empowerment rituals to bridge the places of disconnection between sexuality and spirituality within your own body and psyche. You will explore your relationship with life as sexual, creative, and alchemical. You'll cultivate your ability to listen deeply to hidden parts of yourself and reveal and receive their gifts.

Tantric Soul Retrieval is a pathway to many resources and answers, and a remedy for revealing and healing that which you previously couldn't put your finger on.

Join us for this week and…..
*Get ready to use the vitality of your breath, body and sexuality!
*Liberate the fullness of your voice!
*Delight in richly life affirming touch and human connection!
*Unleash your pleasure with erotic ritual!
*Celebrate your wildness with nature ceremonies and transformational shamanic processes!

SIGN UP HERE: https://www.sadhaka.nl/en/cursus/tantric-soul-retrieval/



This is an LGBTQ+ friendly event.
All adults of all gender identities and sexual preferences are welcome.

This event involves optional nudity and erotic touch.
You are never required to touch or be touched by someone you don’t wish to share touch with or be touched in any way that is not of your choosing.
During this week we ask you to take full responsibility for the choices you make in how you participate.

We will work with erotic energy outside of pursuing sexual attraction. We ask that you always stay within your own boundaries and create an experience that honours the boundaries of each person you work with. The processes and practices in this week do not involve sexual intercourse.

We also invite you to allow yourself to be surprised, and open to exploring the possibilities of experience you can create when you let go of preconceived ideas.




Tanya and Sadhu love to share their gifts as space holders and facilitators of deep process work. They bring a rich fusion of experience in sexual shamanic work, sexological bodywork, tantra, and embodiment practices, working with both individuals, couples, and groups. They delight in joining forces to offer richly transformative, erotic empowerment workshops and trainings.

They are experienced tantric-shamanic facilitators who offer this work from their own lived experience and embodiment of it. Tanya and Sadhu are dedicated to the immeasurable value that this work brings to people’s lives and take great care in guiding and offering it with sensitivity and full presence. Their intention is to serve YOU in embodying your highest potential in love, life, and relationships.

Tanya is an embodiment alchemist who loves to bring together wisdom, healing arts, depth and humour in her work. She is dedicated to supporting others with Kundalini Awakening processes, guiding inner processes, Eros, purpose, passion, shadow and power into integration with messy magic of life. Her passion is ecology of love, relationships & sexuality: to bring human love and community spirit back to its origins, re-union with nature, and awakening relationship with our home, Mother Earth. Tanya has a background in transpersonal psychology, musicology, literature, eastern mysticism, shamanic medicine work and clinical psychotrauma modalities.

Sadhu’s work facilitates the deepening of your connection to your body, your emotional and sexual expression, and supports you to live in evolutionary, conscious relationship with yourself and others. He is a sacred sexual priest, and is devoted to living the expansion of the ways of love in our world. His work emphasizes our profound capacity to collaborate & co-create with life, each other, and nature.

Sadhu is a keen and skilled shadow hunter, who lovingly supports others in meeting and integrating their hidden and rejected places. He delights in offering archetypal work and ritual that draws from the rich mythological traditions from across the world. He is a passionate, playful storyteller ever ready to dive into the magic of the mythic realms!

Together, Sadhu and Tanya are playful love pirates riding the sea of transformation, each devoted to their own individual heart expanding journeys. They are grounded, creative, and committed to authentic human expression.

They both currently live in Amsterdam.

Tanya: www.ItsAboutLove.nl
Sadhu: www.Empowerment-Through-Eros.org

Eerdere gebeurtenis: 15 augustus
Tantra Festival Heart Revolution, France