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Sacred Plant Healing Weekend

  • It's about Love Netherland (kaart)

The Medicine of the Soul
Sacred Plant Healing weekend

Two days days with medicine plant ceremony, breath work, heart work, ancestral healing, cleansing ritual and more.

The safe exploration of one’s own potential, healing trauma and (re)discovering one’s essence.

An Sacred Plant ceremony can be seen as a shamanistic initiation into altered states of consciousness.

During the healing weekend, you will experience the healing work of the Madre- sacred plant medicine, in the physical and emotional layers of your own body. In contrast to the recreational substances and so-called “tripping out” (out of your body).
Important: We want to ensure maximum safety and support during the process. Therefore we will advise you to follow the guidelines of the preparation and will take time and space to get to know you and connect with you personally first, before the ceremony.

We prepare ourselves as a group by sharing our intentions, using the movements, ancestral work, bodywork or connective breathwork for opening our system, depending on the main tendencies of the energy body of the group.
These preparations are a wonderful way of opening up for connecting with yourself and the group, and for the ceremony in the evening/night. During the ceremony we will play traditional icaro's, healing sounds and live music as well.
The second day will start with a sharing followed by an integration body-breath-energy process work session.
We will close the healing weekend with a shared breakfast. Departure is around noon.

The retreat will be led by Tanya Rozenthal and supported by experienced and loving assistants.
Costs: for two days retreat are from € 180,- till € 210,- all included. To reserve your place go here: https://www.chipta.com/tickets/organizer/6014060/events/

Place: close to the Central Station Amsterdam. More information about the healing weekend will be shared later one-to-one.

Set and setting:
The right mindset (expectation, intention, motivation, state of mind) and setting (circumstances in which Sacred Plant is drunk, guidance, ritual, music and so on) largely determine the outcome of your experience.
We are providing a safe setting for your journey inwards.

What can you expect?
The Wine of the Soul- Sacred plant is one of the oldest known healing methods. The first reference to the use of the transformational tea takes us back in time more than five thousand years. The effects of the drink can be incredibly intense - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Users often experience an energetic cleansing and working through and resolving of traumatic experiences. People also often discover their own place in the world. To the best of our knowledge, there have been no incidents anywhere in the world working with Ayahuasca during its long history. Therefore, working with Ayahuasca is very safe, if done under the right circumstances.

Our care for you doesn’t end after a weekend or retreat.
Tanya remains available for you if you have questions concerning aspects that have opened up after a weekend or retreat: "if you want to explore matters more deeply or are confronted with areas that you feel unable to deal with, I also offer individual coaching sessions based on the matter of your journey."

More about Tanya:
Tanya loves to share her gifts as space holder and facilitator of deep process work, with wisdom and humor. As a modern medicine woman she brings a rich fusion of experience in Sacred Eros, inner leadership, shamanism and ancestors rituals, medicine plant ceremonies, trauma-informed somatic sexology, Kundalini Awakening, tantra and shadow work, temple arts and embodiment alchemy. She is working with both individuals and groups, in Netherlands and abroad.
Tanya has a background in transpersonal psychology, neuro-affectieve psychotherapy, musicology, literature, eastern mysticism, healing arts and various BodyMind psychotherapeutic modalities.
Tanya is surfing the waves of consciousness in the sea of transformation, devoted to her own individual heart expanding journey. She is grounded, creative and committed to authentic human expression.
More about Tanya: www.itsaboutlove.nl

As a preparation for attending a ceremony with us, we have some recommendations.
Especially when it is your first ceremony, it is wise to follow our advice.
When you are more “experienced”, you can feel for yourself what is needed in your preparation.
Over the years the experience has shown us that slowing down your lifestyle, reducing stress, eating healthy and nutritious foods and taking good care of your needs, is the best preparation of all. Integrating and starting new habits beforehand, will make it much easier to continue with them after your ceremony.
Fasting for a few days before the ceremony can be helpful to become more aware of your food habits and your relationship with food.
So please find a good balance that works for you. Skipping meat, sugar and coffee for a few days can be a great start.
Eating lots of vegetables and fruits is a welcome preparation and a nice way to find out how your system responds to this. The cleansing of your system is also a way of honoring the medicine plant and will provide her easier access into your body.

Integrating the ceremony is also important. The weeks before and after are as much a part of the process as the ceremony itself. A lot of people even describe the moment they decided to have a ceremony (without yet signing up), they could feel the process starting in themselves.
The medicine can help you expand your consciousness and make you so much more aware of yourself, your patterns, your (unresolved) emotions, your relationships with others, with yourself and what it is to be human.
In the weeks before, try to become more aware of your patterns, your urges, your emotions, your way of reacting to others. Try to notice it without judgment, just observe in a mild way and be more aware of yourself and your surroundings.
Take enough rest for yourself, find time and space for relaxation (music, dance, meditation, being in nature, walking) so your stress levels are reduced as much as possible. Slow down your pace, if possible, and try to find your right balance between action and relaxation. Take as much rest as you need beforehand and especially afterward. Try to empty your calendar as much as possible the week before and after your retreat.
You can always contact Tanya after your retreat, even after months, when you need it. Please don’t hesitate to do this!

Contraindications for the use of a Sacred Plant Medicine:
The use of the Sacred Plant cannot be combined with various forms of medication.
Therefore we will inform potential participants about their own responsibilities for their health and life.
Medicines such as antidepressants, beta blockers and blood-pressure reducers are contraindications, because the Medicine contains a MAO inhibitor that does not combine with these medicines. When in doubt, we always ask you to consult your attending physician.
Psychiatric indications such as borderline, clinical depression and (a disposition towards) psychosis are also contraindications. People being treated (not of their own initiative) by a psychologist or psychiatrist must first discuss their desire to participate in an Sacred Plant ceremony with their attending psychologist or psychiatrist and provide a written statement of advice prior to participating in a ceremony.
NB: The medicine plant ceremony is not a replacement for medical treatment or therapy. It is a spiritual journey; an investigation into your deepest nature. Your sacred journey can support you in your personal development, transformation and integration of your living experiences.

Tickets link: https://www.chipta.com/tickets/organizer/6014060/events/